[Version 1.51] August 2022 What's new (also available in the non-licensed version, unless otherwise stated): 1. Session files (extension *.ucf) and TDMS measurement files are registered in Windows during installation, so that when the file is double clicked, GSVmulti is suggested to be the standard application for opening this file. In the case of session files, this session is then opened and TDMS files are opened by the File Monitor. 2. GSV-8: New types of configuration files (*.txt extension) with TEDS content of template 33 can be read. 3. TDMS-Export, also Auto-Export (Configure Recording): The timestamps can be formatted in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) at the destination file types CSV, text and GSV-6 logger format. Improvements / Updates (also available in the non-licensed version): - GSV-6,GSV-8: Improved behaviour in the event of communication problems, MEGSV86w32.dll: measured value reading thread more efficient and better protection against data errors, therefore more efficient program flow at high data frequencies. - GSV-6BT: The SD card recording rate can also be changed in the SetFrequency dialog - GSV-6BT: Logger settings menu revised and improved - GSV-6BT: With the new BGscript, the button for DIO3 is greyed out in the Interface->Bluetooth dialog because this is now an input. - When entering the TDMS Monitor, 200000 values ​​are now loaded for the graphical display (previously only 100000) - GSV-6: The hardware version is displayed at the top in Advanced Device Settings. All distributed up to approx. 10/2022 have version 0.0. - GSV-2,GSV-3: In the case of errors, error codes and error texts are displayed in many situations (e.g. add channel). Codes correspond to those of GSV-6/8. Improvements / Updates (only available in the licensed version): - TriggerPaste and CopyPaste are also usable simultaneously - Ascending and descending trigger thresholds for TriggerPaste can now be selected arbitrarily. If "Ascending&Descending" is selected and one threshold is smaller than the previous one, it will be switched to descending (previously the number for ascending and descending thresholds had to be the same). - TriggerPaste and CopyPaste: The decimal separator can also be set to dot (.), if the Windows language is not English Bug fixes (all also corrected in the non-licensed version): - Options->Hardware: The "Allow Set Zero" settings were sometimes displayed incorrectly - With 12-channel six-axis sensors, the measuring range under "Range" was displayed incorrectly, which had side effects, e.g. with regard to the Number of decimal places in the measured value display and in the display of signal-to-noise ratios - GSV-3: When loading settings from a device settings file, a redundant error message appeared (but with no disadvantages) - GSV-6,GSV-8: If the number of device channels was less than the maximum and additional channels of an already opened device were to be added with Add Channel and the upper input channel of the range was too large, an attempt was made to add these non-existent inputs, whereby no error message appeared. Afterwards, no more measured values ​​could be displayed. - GSV6BT: After downloading files from the SD card, the file selection window opened a second time. - Certain settings in Configure Recording (data reduction, etc.) could cause a warning message to appear when recording started and the recording was rejected [Version 1.50] March 2022 Improvements / Updates (also available in the non-licensed version): - Intermediate dialog for selecting the unit when loading 6-axis sensor data that does not contain this information: Clearer text: "Please select units that match the sensor calibration" - Setting the "Erase last Error" checkbox in the sensor error dialog also deletes the display of communication errors in the status display - GSV-2: If measured value mode = text output, the displayed maximum measured data rate is now 1000 values/s, at all baud rates. - Paste values ​​by F11 and paste by threshold trigger: All characters are now generated by emulated keystrokes. In some target programs, the tabulator as such was ineffective (did not jump to the next input field). Side effect is that some special characters cannot be used. - v.1.49 installed a 32-bit DLL; it worked, but it's more stringent with 64-bit. Bug fixes (all also corrected in the non-licensed version): - The GSV-1A8 could not be used (was an incompatibility with DAQmx driver v.20.7) - GSV-2: After changing the input type and before starting a measurement, measured values ​​were sometimes displayed incorrectly - GSV-6BT: With BGscript version >=1.00 the max. transmission power for BT-LE was greyed out instead of that for BT-Classic. [Version 1.49] February 2022, LV-RTE 2020-64 Bit What's new: 1. A measured value string can be preformatted in "Copy & Paste" under "Options". Current measured values, the values shown in the single-values display, time stamps and the output of units can be configured. This string can be inserted into an external program with a function key (F1-F12) if previously enabled (using F10 or menu bar->Action->Enable Value Paste) and if the other program has focus. This formatting can also be used for the value copied to the clipboard via F12/F11 in the main application. This function can only be used in the licensed "Pro" variant. 2. Another measured value string can be preformatted in "Trigger & Paste" under "Options", as well as threshold values. With this, measured value strings can be automatically pasted threshold-dependently into another program if this has the focus and if it was previously enabled by the F8 key or by menu bar->Action->Enable Trigger Paste. Automatic annotations can be set for simultaneous recording in the *.tdms file. This function can only be used in the licensed "Pro" variant. 3. In Configure Recording, pre- and post-trigger values can be specified. This number of measured values per channel are recorded before or after the start or stop condition if the recording is started or stopped automatically. Annotations can be set automatically. Post-trigger values are only possible with a triggered termination condition (threshold value or digital-in), not with a time condition or number of values. This function can only be used in the licensed "Pro" variant. 4. Under Menu -> File there is a new submenu "TDMS Tools". With this you can repair *.tdms measurement data files if they could not be opened, e.g. because the program was unexpectedly terminated earlier during the recording. Incompatible files can also be made GSVmulti-compatible here or be defragmented. This function can also be used in the non-licensed version. 5. With the right mouse button context menu in the Yt and XY recorder, the line width of the plots can be set to up to 4 pixels. This setting then applies to every graphical display in the main window. These may be better visible if the plot width is >1px. This function can only be used in the licensed "Pro" variant. 6. Yt/XY recorder: The numerical display on the right (single values display) can also be switched to "RMS/StdDev" with the "Display" drop-down element. Here, the standard deviation from the mean is shown (= root mean square). This display is similar to "SNR [dB]", but the Standard deviation is shown in physical units and not in dB. This function can also be used in the non-licensed version. Improvements / Updates (also available in the non-licensed version, unless otherwise stated): - The UART baud rate can be set with GSV-6 from FW version 3.34. This means that higher data frequencies are possible under certain circumstances; up to 4166 frames/s. - With GSV-6 from FW version 3.33, the number of channels can also be set to 4 or 5 measurement channels in the data frame. - With GSV-6BT from FW version 3.35, the recording rate logging to the SD card can be set independently of the communication data rate. This allows for high recording rates without the likelihood of Bluetooth communication problems. - With GSV-6BT from FW version 3.27, the SD card can be ejected and remounted in the logger menu. This allows the SD card to be exchanged during switched on. - With GSV-8 from FW version 1.56 and GSV-6 from FW version 3.35, a CRC checksum for serial measured value and command/response frames can be activated. Although this setting is stored in the device, it is still downwards compatible, so that devices with activated CRC can also be operated on older software. - With GSV-6BT, an option "GSV-6BT Reset BT" is offered in the Add Channel dialog, with which some communication settings, such as the BT pairing table in the device can be reset. The permanent measurement data transmission is also deactivated for inactive BT connection. This can solve some communication problems. With certain BT drivers, the device should then be deleted and searched for again and activated. - With GSV-6BT and a measurement data rate >=200/s, when entering the "Advanced Device Settings" submenu, the constant measurement data transmission is temporarily stopped. Reason: There were communication problems. - With the Pro variant, with GSV-6 & GSV-8, when loading six-axis data that defines special (non-tabulated) units, they are set as free text. - If an already activated six-axis sensor is loaded with GSV-6 or GSV-8, new sensor data can be loaded directly from a file, without having to click "Remove Sensor" first. The newly loaded sensor is then activated. - The following new properties are set in TDMS files: InType Enumerator for the Input Type, device-dependend Int InRange Range of the analog input Dbl HW-Sync Hardware-Synchronization:"Master"/"Slave" String if HW-Sync enabled - Create Settings Archive: If a MathScript is active, the user will be asked if it should be added to the archive, what will then be done. The previous version could not add the MathScript to the settings archive. - MathScript: The number of values "N" of the SUM and MEAN instruction can have values up to 8000 (previously only 1000) - At the start of recording, it is checked again whether channel names exist more than once. In this case, the user will be informed and recording does not start. Otherwise, the channels of the same name would be put together in the tdms file, which is wrong. - The units of the threshold values are displayed in Advanced Device Settings->Digital I/O. - With the GSV-6/ITA, a sensor error (red buttons in the Yt- / XY-Recorder) is only displayed, if the causative channels are open. - Conversion of *.txt measurement data files generated by the logger to *.tdms: The target directory is saved. - Some internal functions of the measurement runtime have been revised and are now a little more efficient. - The unit no. 26 "0/00" (per thousand) is now displayed as a per thousand special character. - When changing the Single Value Display display type, this is first deleted. Eventually, "Wait..." is written in the top line, until the display is updated with the new setting. - Export *.tdms Datei to Excel Spreadsheet: The decimal places of the fractions of a second are increased to 5, so that data with high data rate have more precise, non-repeating timestamps. - When entering most of the submenus, the OK button or similar now has the keyboard focus, so that the dialog can be confirmed with the Enter key and/or can be closed. Bug fixes (all also corrected in the non-licensed version): - The program could not be run on some PCs, e.g. with AMD Ryzen processors. There was a workaround by setting a specific System Environment Variable. This is no longer necessary. The problem was solved by upgrading the setup with the NI RunTime Engine LV2020. For this reason, however, a complete uninstallation is highly recommended before installation, see BlueDAQinstallation-Please_Read.pdf - GSV-6BT: If only one counter channel was opened with Add Channel, measured values were no longer displayed. - MathScript: If the script contained IF or SUM/MEAN instructions that are performed after the main calculation (see Chapter 3 in MathScript documentation, "C") and variables of type xL (last x values) were present in the same script, the calculation of the latter lines could be incorrect. - GSV-6BT: Downloading the last logged file when selecting "Recently Logged" might not have been working. - Create Settings Archive: If six-axis data was saved with "Matrix Plus" in the GSV-8, the *.dat file version was set incorrectly, so that it could not be loaded afterwards. Corrected ("Version = 4"). - GSV-8: Advanced Device Settings, Digital I/O: Threshold: Input Channel to react on: A freq/counter input might not have been selectable. - GSV-6BT/GSV-8: If the Enabled/Disabled state was changed in the Advanced Settings->Counter submenu without the device having changed the channel count in the measurement data frame, communication errors (Timeout display) could occur. - Load Session: If GraphWindows were saved in the session file, but a different number of GraphWindows were already open when loading, the number of windows was not set correctly. - GSV-6BT: Device File Browser: After downloading a file, measured values were sometimes no longer displayed in the main window. [Version 1.48] May 2021 What's new: The license for the new Professional Version can be purchased via our web shop. A *.zip file will be send to the customer, which can be applied by clicking Menu bar -> help -> Apply license. Please do not unpack it manually. 1. Mathematically calculated software channels (so-called MathChannels) can be created and added. They are defined by a text script, so-called MathScript, see MathScript documentation. This powerful feature is available with the licensed "Professional" version only. 2. Geographical coordinates retrieved from a GPS receiver can be opened and displayed; also height, speed and UTC time can be displayed. Compatible GPS receivers are opened by a (virtual) COM-port and send the data autonomously in the common ASCII text-format defined by the NMEA. The sentences of the type "GPGGA" and/or "GPRMC" are evaluated. This feature is available with the Professional version only. 3. During measuring with Yt- or XY Recorder, annotations can be added to the measuring file, i.e. a text that can be associated with recorded channels. To achieve this, right-click into the graph window and choose "Annotations...". In the following dialogue, a new text can be entered, assigned to a channel or left unassigned (free). These annotations are displayed in the File Monitor and added to the last column of exported *.txt or csv tables. This feature is available with the Professional version only; however, with the unlicensed, annotations can be created with the File Monitor, as before. 4. File Monitor: Similar to the same feature in the main application, by pressing F12 or F11, measuring values can be copied to the clip board. Therefore, a cursor must be created before: Right-Mouse button in the graph window->Visible items->Cursor legend. Then, in the Cursor legend: Right mouse button->Create cursor. Measuring values of all visible channels at the X-position (i.e. time of Yt-Display) are copied. With F12, these values are appended to eventually present content of the clip board, by F11 the content is overwritten. This feature is also available with the non-licensed version. 4.1. With the Professional version, an entire range of the X coordinate (i.e. the time range for Yt) can be copied or appended to the clipboard if at least 2 cursors are available. To do this, hold down the Ctrl key and then press F12 / F11. The data of the channels displayed between the cursors are then copied to the clipboard as table-formatted text. 5. GSV-6, GSV-8, GPS/GNSS and MathChannels: Any free text units can be selected. Up to 2 free texts can be saved in the GSV-6 and -8 for this purpose, which can be assigned to any input channels. With GPS / GNSS and MathChannels, the units are saved in the session file. Usage: Menu bar-> Channel-> Unit. Or in the Configuration Tab-> Unit Pull-Down, at the very bottom . The text of the unit can be up to 8 characters long. This function can only be used in the Professional version. 6. Multi-axis sensors: If special channel names are defined in the * .dat file used, these new names are assigned when you click on "Rename Channels" in the multi-axis dialog; otherwise those corresponding to the sensor type (as before). This function can also be used in the non-licensed version. 7. GSV-4/BSC4: The permission to zero single-ended inputs can be set in Options->Hardware. This function can also be used in the non-licensed version. 8. Yt / XY recorder: The numeric display on the right (Single Values Display) can also be switched to mean value with the "Display" drop-down element. Here, decimating averaging is carried out over a configurable time. This time can be set under Options-> Single Value Display. This function can also be used in the non-licensed version. Improvements / Updates (also available in the non-licensed version, unless otherwise stated): - GSV-6: Adv.Dev.Settings->Value Mode: The TX-Synchronization indicator is set, as with the GSV-8 - GSV-6BT: Download of files from the SD card: The last selected target directory will be preselected with the next download - After Add Channel: The DLL buffer is cleared on all devices, including those that are already open - Special sensor Rosette: When switching between "Stress" and "Strain" only the part "Sigma / Phi" or "Epsilon" is changed in the renamed channel name. This allows the user to append parts of the name (which, for example, identify the measuring location) that are preserved. - Data recording with software-calculated special sensors (multi-axes / rosettes): The units of the raw data channels and their names are set meaningfully during recording; i.e. µm/m for rosettes and mV/V for multi-axes sensors. - File monitor: If the channel selection is changed in the tree view on the left, the zoom section of the view is restored, also with Autoscale - The numerical display of measured values in the various tabs now all behave in the same way with regard to the number of decimal places - If the recording start or stop is configured for using the digital input (trigger) by Configure Recording, but afterwards or at the next program start this configuration cannot be used because no device with the same digital input is open (any more), the recording configuration is temporarily (i.e. volatile) set to manual and the user receives a message about this when starting measuring or recording. - Export of TDMS files in * .CSV or * .txt table files: Notes (annotations) which are set as "free", i.e. are not assigned to a channel, were all stored in the first line of the exported File. Now they are also written in the line assigned to the X-axis or the time value. - In the Set Scaling dialog, some units that contain special characters were displayed differently than in the main window - GSV-6CAN: In Advanced Device Settings -> Administration, the write protection can be set - If GSVmulti was last displayed on a second monitor and that one was missing the next time the program was started, the program might not have been usable - With the GSV-8 from FW-ver. 1.55, the accuracy of the zero adjustment of the Set All Zero function is improved when using rosette and multi-axis sensors - The determination of the special numerical measured value displays in the Yt recorder now continues to calculate even if another tab was clicked in between - With the GSV-6CAN, error messages of the device are displayed more stringently - With the Professional version, up to 8 multi-axis sensors can be integrated (otherwise up to 4, as before). - With several devices where the measurement data rate was not exactly the same, it might have taken a long time before changes in the measurement signal became visible. - The 4 software interfaces \data\(ME)GSVxx.dll are digitally signed - Ver. With the GSV-6BT, the logging file (SD card) is closed when the program is terminated if the GSV will be switched off Bugfix (all corrected in the unlicensed version, too): - GSV-6 & GSV-8: Help->Create Settings Archive: When exporting the matrices data to a file, they were scaled incorrectly if OutScaleFactor or InScaleFactor was not equal to 1. - Rosette Sensor: The angle "Phi" was eventually wrong - Configure Recording: Gray out error: "When finished: generate New File" and "Record several Events (files)" are mutually exclusive. Under certain circumstances, both were operable and not greyed out, which could lead to the operator error of setting both options. - GSV-8: Advanced Device Settings->Analog Out->Input independent, write direct only activated: After switching the analog output type, it could happen that incorrect values were sent to the DA converter, which only resulted in an error message from the GSV-8. - Multi-axis sensor: If the first line of the * .matrix file only contained whole numbers without decimal places (e.g. 0 0 0 0 0 0) and for other lines as a decimal separator the comma (,) was used, the matrix was only read in whole numbers. - GSV-6 & GSV-8: If the 6-axis calculation was active in the device and not all 6 channels were opened, the range (to the right of User Scaling) may have been displayed incorrectly. - Ver. (setup 1.48.6): Workaround for GSV-8 FW1.55 Uart-only Set Zero All Problem. Channel range now possible from FW-Ver 1.56 only - With GSV-8, FW-Version <=1.44: If channels were already open and then new ones should be added, this was rejected by a wrong error message ("Selected input channel is not part of measuring value frame."). - Ver. (setup 1.48.7): Create Settings Archive: If Six-axis sensors with Matrix Plus (2. order) were stored in GSV-8, the correct version number 4 is now written to the *.dat file. [Version 1.47.2] October 2020 Improvements / Updates: - After removing channels using Remove Channel, the program determines whether any channels belonging to special sensors (multi-axis or rosette) are still open. If this is not the case, the data belonging to these sensors are deleted from the RAM. Bugfix: - If the data type Influx DataBase was selected in Configure Recording -> Auto Export and the checkbox "Eliminate missing and exess values" was set, values of special sensors such as multi-axes, rosette and counter / frequency were eventually not added to the exported file. [Version 1.47] September 2020 What's new: 1. The numeric display "Single Value Display" in the Yt and XY recorder can be set to "Integral". After a start condition is triggered, the measured value is added up and multiplied by the data period, i.e. the discrete integral is formed. This function can be configured under Menu bar -> Options -> Single Value Display. 2. Some other types of representation of the single value display can also be configured under menu bar -> Options -> Single Value Display. This configuration will be saved and restored the next time the program is started if the checkbox in Options -> Preferences "Save and restore Single Value Display" is set. 3. With the GSV-8 from firmware version 1.54, zeroing can be prevented in the Input Type dialog. You can choose whether you want load the manufacturer-calibrated zero point or leave the current one. With the calibrated zero point, absolute measurement is then possible; for example with the input type "Single ended" this GSV-8 channel becomes a calibrated voltmeter. With forbidden zero setting, the GSV-8 refuses any set zero / tare attempt on this channel, also via digital input, key or fieldbus. In contrast to the similar settings under Menu Bar-> Options-> Hardware this is a property of the device, not the program. 4. With the GSV-6 from firmware version 3.30, Digital IOs can be configured under menu bar -> Advanced Settings -> Digital I/O. 5. Configure Recording -> Auto Export: In Configure Recording, the automatic export as an Excel file can be configured so that the measurement data will be appended to an existing table (append to file). An existing Excel table must be selected for this under "Destination Path of exported file(s)" Improvements / Updates: - Six-axis sensor data: With GSV-8 from FW-ver. 1.54, the units for the 6 physical output values are saved in the device and loaded from it - Recording, automatic finishing by "Number of Values": With a small number of values (e.g. = 1), some more values were usually recorded. Corrected. - Set All zero: If individual channels should not be zeroed using the option settings, the other channels will now anyway set to zero. - Auto-Export to Influx-DB file type after tdms-recording: The time stamp is now always generated in nanoseconds. To distinguish it from the previous time stamp representation in milliseconds, a tag "ts = ns" is generated, i.e. if this tag is present in the line protocol file, the time entries are scaled in ns. - Save Settings to File: With GSV-6 and GSV-8 the hardware version, the coprocessor FW version and the extended model no. written to the file. - The GSV-8 device variant "Highspeed" is supported in that the maximum possible measurement data rate of 96000 x 4 values / s can be set. Bugfix: - Conversion of measurement data files in text format that were generated by data logger devices (GSV-6BT, GSV-2MSD-DI): If the timestamp was configured without date, the channel names were assigned incorrectly. Corrected. - The time stamp in the exported Influx files was displayed with an incorrect time stamp in Grafana. Corrected. [Version 1.46] May 2020 Improvements / Updates: - When loading the calibration data for six-axis sensors from a * .dat file, the units specified therein are set (previously N or Nm was always set, now e.g. kN and others are also possible). - Set User Scaling: Entering negative values as sensor calibration data is now possible Bugfix: - Advanced Device Settings->Filter: With the GSV-6 (serial) the display "enabled / disabled for channels 2 to 6 was wrong, so that even if the filter was enabled, it always was displayed as "disabled" - Set User Scaling: With the GSV-6CAN, the value of the mode variable was not saved correctly in the file [Version 1.45] November 2020 What's new: 1. When recording TDMS measurement data files, they can be exported automatically as soon as they are finished (in a separate background thread). This function can be configured under Configure Recording -> Auto Export. The same file formats can be selected as for manual export from the file viewer. 2. TDMS export: There is a new file format: "Influx DataBase". It is compliant with the Influx Line Protocol; these text files can be uploaded manually or by another software to an online database. 3. The file name for the recording of TDMS measurement data files can be pre-formatted by the user. It is possible to define a date / time part, define free texts and attach a sequential number to the file name. The formatting is done in the Configure Recording dialog, the input is checked and a sample file name is displayed. See Context help for the format input element. 4. The time zone information is given to the TDMS measurement data files during recording. The display of the time stamp can thus be changed in the File Monitor under Settings; there are the options "Local" (as before, display in the current time zone), "UTC", "File Time" (display in the time zone in which the file was recorded) and "Relative" (relative time so that no date is displayed and the beginning of the file has the time stamp 0: 0: 0). 5. Advanced Device Settings: With GSV-8, information on manufacturer calibration is displayed in the Administration tab 6. Advanced Device Settings: With GSV-6, the device temperature and (if supported) the supply voltage is displayed in the Administration tab 7. If measured values are missing when recording, e.g. because the data connection is not very stable, missing data can be replaced by pseudo measurements. The replacement value is -1E300. This can be filtered out when exporting the recorded files. This behaviour can be configured in the Configure Recording dialog under "Auto Export" and "Advanced". 8. GSV-8 with six-axis sensor: In the "Zero signals" tab of the multidimensional sensor dialog, the the zero values ??from the sensor calibration data can be loaded into the device, so that they are used permanently. This function is similar to that of the CHK button on the device; but the values are set permanently (version 1.45.1). 9. TDMS-Export: Alternatively, the GSV logger format can be selected for the text log. The files then largely correspond to the format that the GSV-6BT creates, with the only exception that the channel names are taken from the TDMS file (Version 1.45.1). Improvements / Updates: - The front panel design of the main application and the add channel dialogue has been modernized, e.g. flat style for buttons, new colours - Six-axis sensor: If calculated by the device (GSV-6 / GSV-8), channels of the six-axis sensor can be removed. - Configuration tab: A measured value exactly = 0 is now displayed with the same digits width. - Adv. Device Settings-> Value Mode-> Format with GSV-3BT / RS: The number of numerical digits in the device can now be set to up to 8 - Load Settings from File with GSV-8: The index number of the active six-axis sensor data record is now saved and loaded - Load Settings from File with GSV-8: The settings for the RS422 interface are saved (if available) - GSV-2 / GSV-3: Model-No and option value are saved in the file under Save Settings - Set Input Type: With the GSV-8, setting the counter type is prevented and the user may be shown an info message - With newer GSV-6BT (from FW-ver 3.27) the information about the local time zone is stored when the RTC time is set. When importing the logger Files, this UTC offset is saved as a TDMS property, so that innovation no. 4 can also be applied to files logged by the GSV-6BT. - Add Channel: If the user forgets to select the COMport number so that it is = 0, he will be warned - The behavior when the data connection is temporarily interrupted during a measurement is improved; e.g. when the connection is successfully resumed, a synchronization is carried out if this is set in the options. - If the user confuses the respective ucf files in Open Session or Open Settings, he will be informed. The action is terminated cleanly. - File Viewer: Entries in the property or value table list can be highlighted (if necessary by triple-clicking) and copied to the clipboard - Adv. Device Settings->Filter: With the GSV-6, filter changes take effect immediately, not only after a restart (Version 1.45.1). Bugfix: - Adv. Device Settings -> Digital I / O: In version 1.44, some types were entered and assigned incorrectly, so that some could not be set correctly. - If the number of channels was above 32, all legend entries were prepared in the Yt- and XY-Recorders, but only 32 were filled with content. A maximum of 34 channels are now displayed in the legends. - Change User Offset GSV-2: The value range was displayed incorrectly - Adv. Device Settings->Filter: When simulating the FIR filter, the first call may have thrown the error message "Failed to converge" although the filter could be created [Version 1.44] November 2019 What's new: 1. The Analog Output Direct Mode can be tested, under Advanced Device Settings -> Analog Out. A Voltage or current value can be set (depending on configured output type). 2. GSV-8: The new Digital-Input type "Reset Digital Out" can be configured. All Digital I/O lines configured as output can be resetted to their default level by activating this digital input. 3. When reading of measuring values is faulty (i.e. the API MEGSV86x.dll throws an error) the error code number is displayed in the status bar of the configuration tab. Improvements / Updates: - GSV-6BT: The support for high data frequencies is improved. If this is above 200 frames/s, the permanent measurement data transmission is deactivated by hardware, so that the device does not automatically transmit measured values after switching on or after setting up the Bluetooth connection. The measurement data transmission is then activated by software, so that the device is normally usable by GSVmultichannel. - Set Data Frequency: If the desired data frequency is greater than the maximum, a warning is displayed. - GSV-6: Serial devices without Bluetooth: Open the device (Add Channel/Open Session) is faster - Value Display Tab: Measuring values may be displayed larger, because the text frame sized is better utilized Bugfix: - Workaround for GSV-8 firmware error in versions 1.39 to 1.50. Six-axis sensor calibration data could not be loaded properly, if no six-axis data was ever loaded, i.e. if this memory was empty. - After changing the channel name, it was not updated in every tab - Advanced Device Settings -> Administration -> File Logger Settings: New File every trigger Event: name of this option was partly covered [Version 1.43] August 2019 What's new: 1. The main application has a new "Graph Display" tab, which displays up to 16 Yt charts simultaneously, regardless of whether the measurement was started in the Yt / XY tab (if the measurement has not started, gaps may appear in the graph when the tab is changed). If more than 16 channels are open, only the first 16 will be displayed. The measured value representation can be scaled with the right mouse button: AutoScale on / off or "Y Range = UserScale" to show the amplitude within the limits of the UserScale. The length of the X axis corresponds to the "Time visible" settings in the Yt tab (unless "AutoScale X" is selected). The Y-scale settings will be restored for each graph the next time it opens. 2. GSV-2, GSV-6 and GSV-8: The device parameter "UserOffset" is supported. The GSV adds this offset to each scaled measuring value. As a result, it is now also possible to set individual channels to zero with GSV-6 and -8 using six-axis measurement. To change the value, simply click in the configuration tab in the display control for "User Offset" or by menu bar -> Channel -> User Offset 3. To access the configuration dialogs for User Scaling, Data Frequency or Input Type, you can now also click on the corresponding Display field. The operation becomes more intuitive. 4. GSV-8: The new functions for counter and frequency measurement can be configured under Menu bar -> Device -> Advanced Settings... -> Value Mode -> Counter / Frequency. A newly created counter / frequency channel can then be opened with Add Channel, selecting Function = Digital Counter on the right. Up to 2 counter channels are supported. 5. GSV-8: The number of channels in the measurement data frame can be configured under Menubar -> Device -> Advanced Settings... -> Value Mode The settings for 4. and 5. can only be used as of device software version 1.45. 6. GSV-8: For devices as of firmware version 1.46, analog output 7 or 8 can be switched to the corresponding counter / frequency channel 1 or 2. In this case, an internal basic scaling applies, which maps the value 30000 to the analog end value at the counter and at Frequency measurement it maps 1000 Hz to that value. E.g. at + -10V output type and AnalogOut-Scale = 1, the frequency of 1000Hz corresponds to 10V, i.e. 100Hz / V. 7. GSV-8: For devices as of firmware version 1.39, the distance measurement can be activated in the case of six-axis calculation. 8. GSV-8: For devices as of firmware version 1.47, TEDS sensors are supported with Template 25, for AC acceleration and force transducers (special feature of the device software: If the unit "g" has been selected manually and the unit is not to be loaded from the TEDS, the GSV-8 will convert the scaling from m/s2 to g at power-on, by using the standardized gravitational acceleration of earth 9.80665). 9. The PowerSpectralDesity / FFT display of the "Graph Windows" can be configured in detail. In the "Add Graph" / "Configure Graph Window" dialog a new tab is present for these settings. Especially interesting is the possibility to change the frequency resolution and the mean value mode. If the average mode is switched off or if the resolution is reduced, the FFT display is updated faster. This configuration will not be restored automatically, but only if a session file is saved and reopened. 10. GSV-6BT file browser: It is now possible to delete entire directories that the GSV-6BT had created by itself. Improvements / Updates: - GSV-6: High baud rates of 460800 and 921600 bits/s are supported. Using high baud rates increases the maximum possible data rate. However, the new baud rate can not be changed in the device (this would require the support of the ME, possibly even a special terminal program to set the baud rate may be created in the future). - GSV-8 serial: The upcoming RS422 interface is supported. - GSV-6BT File Logger Settings: When continuous logging is enabled, the user is reminded to set the GSV On / Off mode in the Bluetooth dialog so that the GSV-6CPU stays on when the connection is closed. - Yt Diagram: The "Graph Palette" can now be displayed again (right mouse click -> Visible Items). This can used to zoom or to create a cursor and more. - If the font size was set to more than 100% in Windows, some items were not displayed. The font and font size setting of Windows is now ignored. Bugfix: - In general GSV-6 (i.e., not BT model), some tabs were not displayed in the Advanced Device Settings dialog, eg, Value Mode. - GSV-6CAN: Set Input type did not work properly - Menu bar -> Options -> Reset All did not work properly - GSV-2 with ASCII protocol: Minor display bug in the Format Value dialog - Setup, 64-bit version: According to user reports, the installation did not work properly on some PCs. The suspected cause (recently Microsoft no longer recommended registry entry for file type association) has been eliminated. Automatic opening of GSVmulti by double-clicking *.ucf and *.tdms files must therefore be manually prepared by the user after installation, if desired. - GSV-8: In the Auto-Zero dialog the threshold value display "From" and "To" was confused - GSV-6CAN: Loading of six-axis matrix data did not work properly with memory index> 0 - Menu bar -> Help -> Create Settings Archive: If no session file has ever been saved, the files with the Amplifier settings were missing in the archive. [Version 1.42] December 2018 What's new: 1. The "Configure Recording" dialog is redesigned and completed. There are now up to 4 tabs: "Save Memory Data": as before; only available from Yt-Recorder. "Trigger Recording" used to be named "Recording Options". Now it only contains the "Start Recording" and "Finish Recording" settings. 1.1. "Data Reduction": New, contains the settings for data reduction. New: You can create additional channels in the TDMS file, that contain the maximum and / or minimum values, each determined individually for every data interval. At high data rates, short peaks can be detected without the measurement data files having to become very large. For each original channel, one or two new channels are created whose names are named with _Max or _Min. Their plots are shown in the File Monitor dashed (_Max) or dotted (_Min), in the same color as the associated original channel. 1.2. "Advanced": - Contains a new soft LED that indicates whether channels are hidden ("hidden channels"). - New checkbox for timestamp calculation "Auto-Select dt Mode": If set (default), the timestamp calculation method to be used is selected automatically, based on the measuring amplifier models. All models qualified as time-accurate have a crystal time base; these are: GSV1A8, GSV-2 and GSV-8. If all devices are time-accurate and have the same data frequency, the method dt = 1 / Fdata is set, otherwise the PC system time is used (as before: subsequent calculation of dt based on start and end time). 2. File Monitor: When exporting to CSV or Excel format, either all channels in the TDMS file can be exported or only those selected in the tree view (in the File Monitor on the left). Multiple channels can be selected by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl key. Furthermore, the cell separator "TAB" can also be selected for CSV files. This file then differs from the *.txt format only in file suffix. 3. Multi-axis sensor: 3.1. In the GSV-8, six-axis sensor data with Matrix 2nd-order can be loaded ("Matrix Plus"), provided the firmware version is >= 1.40. 3.2. If possible, you can specify manually whether the calculation should be done in the device ("Calculated by device") or by software. 3.3. The (experimental) new six-axis sensor with 6x12 matrix is supported by software 4. The auto-zero function of the GSV-8 is supported, accessible via: Menu bar -> Device -> Advanced Settings... -> Value Mode -> Details 5. The drift compensation function of the GSV-2 is supported, accessible via: Menu bar -> Device -> Advanced Settings... -> Value Mode -> Drift Compensation / AutoZero The "AutoZero" tab in it has a new checkbox "Set Zero at Boot": GSV-2 sets zero at power-up. The settings, 4 and 5 can only be changed or activated with newer device firmware versions. 6. With GSV-2 and -3, the measured value text output can be formatted, accessible via: Menu bar -> Device -> Advanced Settings ... -> Value Mode -> Format Value 7. The date / time and logger settings of the GSV-2MSD-DI can now be operated by software via: Menu Bar -> Device -> Advanced Settings... -> Administration for Date / Time; in it also the Button: "Logger Settings" 7.1. There is a new method of date / time setting of the RTC time, which synchronize the RTC with the system time as precisely as possible. This new "Sync" button is to the right of the date / time dialog button. 8. GSV-6CAN: Other CAN adapter cards can be used, selectable under: Menu bar -> Options -> Hardware 9. Logger Settings: With GSV-6BT a new soft LED "Currently Logging" is displayed. It lights up when recording on SD card is currently active. Improvements / Updates: - GSV-6BT: The download speed for files on the SD card is now 5x faster, now about 9.7 kB/s - Scaling by calibration (Scaling -> Calibration) is now also possible with negative values, so that with most amplifiers negative scaling results are allowed. - If the connection is lost during recording and the data frequencies of the connected devices are all the same, the timestamp calculation method is set to dt = 1 / fdata. Before, in this situation it could happen that the timestamps were wrong. - The "Actual Channel" selector in the Configuration Tab now scrolls over, i.e. Channel 1 is displayed after the largest channel and vice versa. - Graph Windows: The scale of the Yt chart has 5 constant decimal places, which also displays finer gridlines. - TDMS File Monitor: The "Loaded values" display below now shows the correct number of loaded and displayed measuring values - In the TEDS dialog, the input type "Temperature sensor K type" is displayed correctly Bugfixes: - Input Type: With the GSV-2, the input sensitivities were partly not displayed correctly - Advanced Settings-> Filter: The mean value filter of the GSV-2 could eventually not be activated - Multidimensional sensor: When saving with overwriting of the data to the device, the data set number could not be selected - GSV-8: When loading user settings from ucf file, the settings of the FIR filter may not have been set correctly Limitations: - The file association of *.tdms and *.ucf files cannot be registered by the installer setup anymore. Now, this can only be done manually by the user. The reason for that is a significant change in the file accociation policy by Microsoft, introduced since a Windows 10 update. [Version 1.41] September 2018 What's new: 1. With GSV-8, the temperature sensor Thermocouple K-type is supported and can be set under "Input Type" (firmware version >=1.40) 2. Input Type dialogue revised: 2.1 With GSV-2 and GSV-6, the absolute input range can be changed by setting the input amplification gain 2.2 With almost all mesuring amplifiers, the absolute input range and the bridge excitation voltage is displayed 3. With GSV-2, the amplification gain is included into the calculation in the Scaling dialogue 4. TDMS-Monitor: If not all data points were loaded, a message box is shown. This message can be suppressed by "Don't show again", as long as the TDMS Monitor is open. This selection is volatile. However, the loading of the TDMS file is now more efficient, so that it's faster with most computers. 5. All buttons or controls, that cause a permanent storage in the device, are yellow. 6. TEDS Dialogue: If TEDS memory is connected, but no bridge sensor at that input channel, the "TEDS used" soft-LED is off 7. PC memory behaviour revised, so that the program allocates less RAM. Therefore, the history depth of the Yt diagram is reduced from 20000 waveform packets to 6000. 8. The supervision of the measuring data streams is more tolerant, so that the "tiemout" message appears after >5s only. 9. GSV-6BT: The File browser can be opened easier: Menu->File->Device File Browser [v.] 10. Add Channel: If the devices GSV-6 and GSV-8 are confused with each other in the Device Type selector, an error message is displayed [v.] Bugfix: - Settings Archive: With some PCs, a temporary directory could not be created, so that many files were missing. Now, the typical directory C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp is used. - Settings Archive: If several six-axis sensor calibration data structures were stored in a device, the (purely informative) value for "M.idx=" was eventually wrong. - Device Settings->DigitalIO: With Threshold switch "Window Comparator" "Threshold compared with" always displayed "Maximum Value", even if Actual Value was set - Device Settings->Adminisration->RTC: Between end of march and end of october (during daylight saving time), the actual time was dirplayed incorrectly. Setting the time in the devices clock was correct. - Configure Recording -> Save History Data: Existing file was required - Load Settings: With GSV-8, dDuring loading from file, the DigitalIO-Type was eventually not set correctly - If more than 28 channels were open, the numerical special values in the Yt-Tab and the XY-Tab "Resol.PP", Max, Min, und Max-Min could not be displayed. Now, all values are displayed with any selection, up to 34 channels. - ASCII files with measuring data, created by GSV-2MSD-DI, could not be converted correctly - With GSV-6CAN, 6-axis sensor calibration data was set incorrectly, if the calibration matrix was not scaled in N/mV/V or Nm/mV/V, as it was often the case with older sensors. [Version] Setup: The Manufacturer ID list for TEDS sensors is updated. Bugfix: - The maximum value transmission mode can now also be set for GSV-6 - GSV-6BT: The BT-LE Mode is now displayed correctly [Version] 2018-03-07 What's new: 1. The Bluetooth measuring amplifier and data logger GSV-6BT is fully supported: - New Datalogger Settings Dialog (Menu bar->Device->Advanced Settings-> Administration) - New file browser (...->Advanced Settings-> Administration) including conversion to TDMS files 2. A more accurate new type of frequency / speed measurement of the GSV-6BT (firmware 3.15 or higher) is supported 3. In the Bluetooth Settings dialog (...->Adanced Settings-> Interface), the BT mode can be set to LowEnergy 4. An error message is displayed in the Configure Recording dialog if with "Absolute Date / Time" termination type the chosen time is in the past 5. In the software options (Menu bar-> Options) the context help is filled with explanatory texts and the names of some controls are clarified 6. The measured values of counters (also frequency / speed measurement) are now always displayed with decimal places. bugfix: - The X-channel index was not correctly stored in the XY recorder. - For devices (GSV-6 and -8) where permanent measurement data transmission was persistently stored as OFF, after some configuration changes, no measurements were displayed anymore. [Version] 2017-10-13 What's new: 1. The measuring amplifier GSV-6 is also supported via its serial interface. 2. With all models, device settings can be saved and loaded into a configuration file, Save Settings -> Save to File and Load Settings -> Load from File. 3. Via menu bar -> Help -> Create Settings Archive a ZIP-archive is created, in which many relevant files with Settings from hardware and software are stored. In case of uncertaincy in configuration and parameter setting or if you have problems with the program you can send us this ZIP file. It does not contain any measurement data files. 4. GSV-6: With new devices (from FW-ver. 3.11), the number of channels in the transmitted measurement data frame can be configured, menu bar -> Device -> Advanced Settings -> Value Mode. After decreasing, higher data rates are possible. 5. GSV-6BT: Some Bluetooth settings can be changed via Menu Bar -> Device -> Advanced Settings -> Interface -> Bluetooth Settings 6. GSV-6BT: The settings of the counter or frequency meter can be adjusted via Menu Bar -> Device -> Advanced Settings -> Value Mode -> Counter / Frequency / Speed 7. GSV-2: The input sensitivity can be displayed under Configuration -> Input Type in this dialog. 8. GSV-6: With new devices (from FW-ver. 3.11), the absolute input measuring range is also increased, if necessary, if a greater input sensitivity is selected in the input type dialog. 9. The GSV-6BT can also be used to set the single-ended input (0..10V). Bugfix: - The measurement rate decimation, which can be configured in the Configure Recording dialog was properly loaded after restarting the program, which may have resulted in incorrect time stamps in the measurement data files. - The Input Type button was sometimes incorrectly grayed out with GSV-6 - GSV-6: Loading and reading of six-axis settings is now more stable (from FW-ver. 3.11) - GSV-6: Sometimes the digital filter could not be simulated correctly. Corrected. [Version 1.38 .9.8, March 29th, 2017] What's new: 1. With the function-key F12 or Menu bar->Action->Copy values to clipboard actual measuring values can be copied to the Window's clipboard. One row with one value of each visible channel, separated by TAB, is copied. 1.1. With function-key F11 or Menu bar->Action->Append values to clipboard a new row with measuring values is appended to the existing clipboards content. 2. Six-axis sensor with matrix of 2nd order supported (requires *.dat-File with version >=4). 3. File Monitor: measuring data can be exported to other file formats and appended to existing files (if existing file was selected): - CSV with selectable cell separating character (suffix *.csv). If comma is selected as separator, all cells are surrounded by quotation marks. - Excel table (suffix *.xlsx) with time stamps in column 1 (by now, the exportes xlsx-file doesn't contain annotations and extended header info, only channel names). 3.1. With XY measuring data files, several channels can be selected in the tree view on the left, if STRG is also pressed. 4. GSV-8 (BX8): The content of the device's fault memory can be displayed, exported to a text file or deleted; under Menu bar->Device->Advanced settings->Administation->Fault memory 5. The numeric measuring value display in the Yt and XY recorder now contains the unit. 6. Now there is a tab in the scaling dialog. This allows either a sensor to be calibrated interactively using a reference load or the scaling for strain gauges to be calculated. With the GSV-2, the strain gauge parameters are read from the device and can also be set. These new variants of the scaling dialog can also be opened via the menu bar-> sensor. 7. GSV-6-CAN: the input sensitivity 8 mV/V is displayed as it is and can also be set if necessary. 8. With the key combination Ctrl & A, all channels are set to zero, also available via menu bar-> Action. Same function as Yt-Recorder-> Set All Zero button 9. The setup registers GSVmultichannel as a suitable program to open *.tdms measurement data files and *.ucf session files. It can be therefore selected for automatic start-up if the corresponding file (for example, in Windows Explorer) is opened by double-clicking. To do this, GSVmultichannel has to be once selected manually as a "standard program", e.g. by Windows Explorer-> right click on a TDMS or ucf file, then "Open with ..." and "Select standard program/App", select GSVmulti and "OK". 10. Under menu bar-> Device-> Advanced settings-> ValueMode there is a new "LED" -indicator for Master-Slave measuring data frame synchronization (only with GSV-8 and GSV-3 special versions) 10.1 The TDM Excel Importer Tool is no longer part of the setup (see point 3). 11. Multi-axis sensors are renamed from "Multidimensional Sensor" to "Multi-axis sensor" 12. The user offset of the analog output (Menu bar-> Device-> Advanced settings-> Analog Out) can now be alternatively displayed and entered in V/mA instead of % only. 13. TEDS dialog: the case of the empty 1-wire EEPROM is better supported 14. TEDS dialog: for GSV-8 firmware from 1.35 on, the offset from the TEDS can be set 15. In the FFT-PSD display (Graph Window), windowing with Hanning window is used. The spectral lines become narrower and more precise. Bugfix: - TEDS Template 33: the value for electrical max and min values with 11-bit precision was incorrectly treated (write and read) - TEDS Write: one bit of the "end selector" was wrong, so that some other programs (eg HBM Catman) could not read the TEDS. - TEDS write: A rounding precision error could have led to a wrong Calibration Date (+- 1 day) - Menu bar-> View-> Sort Graph Windows functions again - The trigger-dependent recording in the XY recorder also works now if in the numerical measuring value display a different one than "Actual Value" was chosen. - The Configure Recording dialog did not automatically set the correct time increment when switching from "One value per time Interval" to "Record every value", so that the time stamps could have been incorrect. - In Device Settings-> Analog Out the "Transfer characteristic" was displayed incorrectly when the output channel had been changed and then the user scaling factor was changed. - With "Graph Window(s)" opened, the program sometimes hung on closing. - When disabling multi-axis sensor, in the Value Display, the units and scalings weren't updated - After Load Settings, the Multi-axis parameters were eventually not updated completely, so that controls could have been greyed out [Version 1.37, November 7th, 2016] What's new: 1. With GSV-8 devices (from Firmware v. 1.31 on), under menu bar -> Sensor -> TEDS, the TEDS-sensor usage can be configured and TEDS can also be read and described. If the data of the available TEDS is loaded and used for scaling, the label of the scaling button changes to "Scaling by TEDS". If you click on it, the TEDS Dialog opens as well (however, TEDS can not be described here). 2. In the Advanced Device Settings Dialog, the digital IIR-filer of the GSV-6 can now be configured and simulated. 3. Serial interfaces (RS232/UART) can be configured in the Advanced Device Settings dialog GSV-2,-3 and -8). 4. In the Advanced Device Settings Dialog there is a new tab "Administration". Here you can: - enable and disable write protection (GSV-2,-3 und -8) - assign a custom text to a parameter record (GSV-2) - change the language of the LC display (GSV-2) - display the operating hours and reset the resettable (GSV-8). 5. Input Type: With GSV-8, all channels can be set simultaneously. 6. Multidimensional Sensor Dialog: The channel names are displayed via the Component DropDown-choicebuttons and updated at "Rename channels". 7. When the measuring is started, the Windows screen saver is suppressed. Data recording (Start Recording) prevents Windows standby mode and hibernation. 8. File Monitor: the "Annotations", which can be set in the graph using the context menu of the right mouse button, can be stored in the TDMS file and then restored. In this case only name, plot assignment, position and text position (only Yt) are saved as properties under "Measuring values". When exporting to text files, the annotations are written in an additional column on the very righthand side. 9. When exporting to text files, the measurement data are attached to existing data without additional headers, if the selected text file already exists. 10.File Monitor: The graph can be zoomed by mouse wheel, independent of Autoscale & Graph cursor settings. In addition, when opening the file monitor, in the left-hand tree view measuring values are automatically selected and zoom all is triggered once. 11.Very low data rates (<2/s) are better supported; Also in slow mode (GSV-2/-3) the data rate is correctly displayed. 12.When converting GSV-2MSD-DI measurement data text files to TDMS files, a progress bar is displayed. Bugfix: - GSV-2MSD-DI measurement data text files to TDMS converter (Open file monitor): time stamp error for data from GSV-2 in slow mode is corrected - Errors with rosette-sensors and GSV-8 (and -6) are fixed, scaling is now set correctly. - In the Multidimensional Sensor Dialog, the calibration matrix array index is now displayed stringently from 1 - Configuration settings are correctly grayed out (again) with rosette sensor measurement. - The XY plot was not displayed properly in the file monitor, if in the tree view on the left only one channel was selected instead of "Measuring Values". Corrected. [Version 1.36, July, 20th, 2016] What's new: 1. Open File Monitor: *.TXT measurement data files generated by GSV-2MSD-DI can be converted and displayed to *.tdms. 2. Configure Recording: "Threshold" renamed to "Threshold value" and unit is displayed. 3. Now, the status line is also displayed in the value display tab. Bugfix: - Set Data Frequency: 0.23 was the wrong minimum for GSV-2 . Now correct: 0,3125. - Multidimensional Sensor Dialog: If actual channel 1 was selected in the configuration tab of the main window, this configuration dialog did not function properly. - Error on PT1000 temperature input was not displayed on channels 7 and 8.